This blog is going to discuss the meaning of assalamualaikum in islam. Assalamualaikum is the greeting of islam. Muslim kids do Hifz ul quran and islamic studies in online Quran classes for kids and learn that islam and alsalam consist of the same letters in arabic. They consist of the letters: alif, seen, lam alif and meem. The root of both words is salima. It means safe and sound. Therefore islam means total surrender to allah. salam means peace. That is why islam is peace which makes all people and all things safe and sound. In other words, islam has come for peace. A muslimkeeps all things and all people safe and sound. This means that there is no aggression in islam.
A lot of hostile critics of islam are not good speakers of arabic. They don’t know the secrets of the beautiful language of arabic. Such critics argue that a human should greet others saying “peace to you”. Assalamualaikum means “peace upon you”. When you say “Peace to you.”, it means “I intend peace to you; and intend no harm to you.” This is a good meaning of the greeting. However, assalamualaikum means “Peace upon you.”Muslim kids study Quran and islamic studies in online Quran classes for kids. They learn the etiquette of greeting people.This has a more beautiful meaning. It has a lot of meanings.In the first place it logically means “I intend peace to you; and I intend no harm to you. Moreover, “I make dua for you allah send peace to prevail on you”
How to say the greetings in Islam:
The etiquette of greeting people and answering their greetings is very accurate and well organized in islam. It shows how civilized is islam and muslims. The fewer hosts say the greeting to the bigger one. Muslim kids learn the details of the salam etiquette in islamic studies in online Quran classes for kids. They learn that the mounting muslim greets the non mounting muslim.When a muslim passes a muslim who is sitting down, they greet the sitting muslims. It is a custom for the one who says the greeting to raise their right hand while saying assalamualaikum. This act has its historical echo. In old times, people showed peaceful intentions by showing their right hands. This meant that they had no weapons. Therefore, they were peaceful.
How to answer the greetings in Islam:
The Muslim and islamic greeting is assalamualaikum in arabic. They learn that Allah says in the Holy Quran: “When you are greeted, answer in a better manner or just reply in the same way.” On his part, prophet Mohammad said: “You won’t enter paradise before you become believers. You won’t be believers before you love each other. Shall i tell you how to love each other, spread peace among yourselves.” when someone says to a muslim, that muslim should say walaikum assalam. It means: “And peace upon you too.” It is better to say walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah. it means: “And peace and Allah’s mercy be upon you too.” Therefore, muslimsshould be peaceful to each other as well as non muslims.
The effect of greeting people:
When you reply to a muslim’s greeting, it is best to say: “Wa’alaikum assalamu warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.” It means: “Peace, allah mercy and blessing be upon you.” Moreover, it is a sunnah to say assalamualaikum. Meanwhile, it is obligatory to answer the greeting of Islam. A muslim should look friendly. Prophet mohammad said: They learn that “When you meet your fellow muslims, smile at them. Smiling at your fellow muslim is a good deed.” When muslims greet each other by saying assalamualaikum, there is a sense of peace, ease and tranquility in the atmosphere. People tend to be relaxed, peaceful and less tense. A muslim who says assalamualaikum has ten good deeds recorded for him or her. On the other hand, a muslim who replies to the greeting has fifteen good deeds recorded for him or her.